IP whitelisting is now available for Galaxy Pro users in the Asia-Pacific region!
While it’s always important to protect your database and other services with a strong password, you can add an extra layer of security to many services by configuring them to only accept connections from a “whitelist” of IP addresses. For example, this functionality is supported by MongoDB Atlas and Compose MongoDB. In order for this to work, Galaxy has to ensure that all traffic from your app comes from a static set of addresses, which is an extra service we provide to our Galaxy Pro users.
It’s straightforward to enable — starting from your Galaxy dashboard (https://ap-southeast-2.galaxy.meteor.com), navigate to the Settings page for the application you want to secure, then enable Galaxy Professional and IP Whitelisting for that application. Your app will restart, and the management interface will display the list of IPs that you can now add to your database’s security settings.
It’s beneficial to run your application servers and database near your users. Wherever your users are around the world, Galaxy now has you covered with hosting regions in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
IP whitelisting now available for Galaxy users in Asia-Pacific was originally published in Meteor Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.