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Welcome to the New Meteor.com!


The next phase of Meteor has begun, starting with a site overhaul and key Galaxy Hosting changes. We couldn’t be happier about it. Let’s dig into what we’ve done and why:

Site Design

First and foremost, the site needed an upgrade. We felt the existing site no longer represented the brand and where we want to take the product in the future, so the folks at Z1 Digital came by to give us a hand at improving it. This new look encompasses the next stage of both Meteor.js and Galaxy Hosting platforms. Z1 did a great job, and we’re proud of where things ended up. We hope you like it.

Meteor.com’s new look.

Also — shout out to our new showcase features: lemlist, Chatra.io, Maestro, Pathable. Find more here.

How we’ve improved:

Galaxy Hosting Pricing

Our pricing model for Galaxy Hosting was a key area of focus with this new site release. One of the things that we’ve heard from our community is it would be great for users to be able to experience Galaxy before committing for the long term, and that there should be a plan for hobby or community projects and individuals running smaller apps.

We think we’ve solved that initial need with a new, more transparent pricing structure and new container options. Here’s what we came up with:

New pricing options for Galaxy Hosting

To start — we’re implementing a Free Trial option for all new accounts on Galaxy Hosting. For 30 days, you can try any container size, up to 4GB (meaning you could run 1 Quad container, or 4 Standard ones) in order to make sure you know Galaxy is right for you.

Test all of the functionality, scalability of Galaxy and run large scale apps completely free for 30 days. Not a good fit? No problem, you can migrate your app away at any time before the 30 days is up at no cost.

We’re even offering previous Galaxy users with inactive accounts the ability to take advantage of this 4GB 30 day free trial. Not sure if you qualify? You can either check your Meteor Developer Account Dashboard by signing in here, or reach out to us at support@meteor.com and we’d be happy to help.

Secondly, we’ve built another container option we’re calling “Tiny” (we couldn’t help ourselves). This option will let you play around with the service, host a hobby project and otherwise test smaller apps using Galaxy Hosting.

New “Tiny” Container

Can you run high traffic, enterprise apps through the Tiny Container? No. Is it a good place to start for someone running smaller apps on Galaxy at a very low cost (9/mo)? We certainly think so.

Already a Galaxy user with apps running? Fantastic. Nothing changes for. We won’t bump anyone up to a $9 plan or force you into a new pricing structure that you didn’t sign up for. Keep on keepin’ on (but also make sure to check out our roadmap for future feature releases).

Also, if you have consistent usage rates on Galaxy, you can save 20% by prepaying annually. Reach out to support@meteor.com and we’d be happy to help you there also : -)

Site Navigation:

The navigation of meteor.com was not as intuitive as it should have been. The relationship between Meteor.com, Galaxy Hosting and Meteor Developer Accounts (MDA) was not obvious for anyone visiting the site for the first time (or even for returning users). We’re now in a much better spot.

Users can login centrally to the main MDA dashboard, then access the regions for their Galaxy Hosting accounts. No more searching where to login to Galaxy — access everything centrally from your MDA Dashboard.

As usual, Galaxy Hosting customers can always visit the regional URL directly to login to Galaxy account (we recommend bookmarking these). For those with multiple region accounts, you can access all of them easily from the MDA dashboard.

This is only the first of many upgrades we’re planning for Meteor and Galaxy Hosting. Interested in learning more about what we’re up to? Check out the Roadmaps for Galaxy Hosting and Meteor.js.

Want to try Galaxy Hosting absolutely free for 30 days? Get started here.

Happy Building!

— Your friends at Meteor HQ

Welcome to the New Meteor.com! was originally published in Meteor Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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