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Meteor Impact 2020 is this week!


The time has finally come! After weeks of hasty preparations we have reached the finish line and Meteor Impact starts in few days.

In total there are 33 talks/meetings planned for Thursday and Friday. These are all spread out so that people across all the timezones can take part.

There are 3 keynotes:

These three are just the top of the iceberg! You will find many more talks from members of the Meteor community and famous Meteor contributors. Talks range from basic topics like securing Meteor application, PWA setup to performance monitoring and user authentication across multiple servers.

Beside technical talks there are talks about other topics that affect Meteor community like Meteor marketing or introduction for new community members to get themselves oriented in the community space.

You also get to enjoy guest panels about hot topics in the Meteor community:

Another category we have are showcases where you’ll get to learn about companies growing with Meteor, tools for debugging, interesting packages or tools for debugging and monitoring if you are hosting outside of Galaxy.

Finally there are meetings where you can virtually hang out with other Meteor developers, talk about Meteor or whatever else comes to your mind, just like you would at a real conference. Some of these are more thematically set than others.

With the exception of meetings you can already submit questions to any of the talks and few of the talks already have polls for the audience that you can answer.

And we are getting just started! Beyond the agenda you can browse exhibitors that show some companies/projects that use Meteor or helped with the conference.

October is Hacktoberfest and Meteor and Meteor Community Packages are both setup to be part of it. So your submissions count towards it.

Till Sunday the conference site will remain open for you to setup private meetings with other attendees and speakers that you meet during the conference.

And all of that for free! But we would like to encourage you to consider sponsoring community developers and organizers.

If you have any question on how to use the platform take a look at the first meeting which holds many resources to help you get started.

Please share the news with other Meteor developers and interested friends!

Thank you and see you at the conference!

Originally published at https://dev.to on October 19, 2020.

Meteor Impact 2020 is this week! was originally published in Meteor Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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