Meteor Meetups has a new home!

With the on-going lockdowns, restrictions, and uncertainty, Alim Gafar approached me about establishing online Meteor Meetups in the same way we did Meteor Impact. The thought here is to help consolidate all groups, and allow easy sharing between them, and have the opportunity and flexibility to do more exciting things. We have support from Meteor Software and Pathable and with that, a new home for Meteor meetups was born: Meteor Meetups!
So what do meetups look like so far?
First off, we have dedicated pages to each local group so you can share information about yourself and additional information on companies using Meteor in your area. This will become more interesting once we’re able to transition to meeting people offline and connecting with Meteor users in person. In the meantime, you can at least scout out users in your general area.
How do the meetups work?
Each group can use the Pathable platform to schedule online meetings and hangouts. With meetings recorded, it will benefit other members of the community as well, as they can see great stuff from other meetups in other communities.
Once you sign-up, please go and edit your profile. Add your location (there is already plenty of options to choose from, but you can add your own as well) and if it exists select your Meteor group.
We will kick-off the meetups with Meteor New York with an introductory presentation about Meteor Community, our new meetup platform, and some announcements about Meteor Impact 2021.
We are now looking for group organizers and speakers. If you are interested in one of those, please don’t hesitate to contact me! Our goal is to have each meetup group meet at least once a quarter.
I hope to see you there!
If you like Jan’s work, please consider sponsoring him on GitHub Sponsors ❤️.
New Meteor Meetups was originally published in Meteor Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.